WJPA Virtual Winter Workshop Series – Counts as a Clinic


Wisconsin Junior Poultry Association 2021 Virtual Winter Workshop Series Free to all youth and adults interested in raising and showing poultry Saturday evenings from 6-7 pm on Zoom May 8: information on Nutrition, Show Prep, and a fun poultry Show & Tell Register here to get the workshop link: https://forms.gle/yLm1jdmv6VxNztUw6

WCF Youth Exhibitor Rabbit Clinic & Educational Meeting – Counts as a Clinic

Hybrid - Zoom or In-Person

This is the first Fair Youth Exhibitor Rabbit Clinic & Educational Meeting for 2021. This is a hybrid meeting with options for attendance through Zoom or in-person. Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82934283432?pwd=bkF5UFNiRUdXU1gvKzhxMGZGck51Zz09 Meeting ID: 829 3428 3432 Passcode: 50qs7B In-person at Missall Barn S86w24825 Stonehill Ct. Mukwonago, WI 53149 *Masks and social distancing are encouraged. *You will...

WYLP Meat Science Cookery Zoom – Counts as a Clinic


The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP), in connection with the University of Wisconsin Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Division of Extension, are excited to offer this LIVE Virtual Zoom educational program: May 13 - Meat Science Cookery – It should be spring/summer in Wisconsin, and looking forward...

Sheep Showmanship – Counts as a Clinic

Kurth Farms N41W28899 Imperial Drive, Pewaukee, WI

**ALL YOUTH ORGANIZATION MEMBERS INTERESTED IN SHEEP ARE WELCOME!** We hope YOU JOIN US at this educational clinic!! Topic: Sheep Showmanship

Rabbit Exhibitor Series – Counts As A Clinic

Hybrid - Zoom or In-Person

**ALL YOUTH ORGANIZATION MEMBERS INTERESTED IN RABBITS ARE WELCOME!** This will be a hybrid meeting. Attend online or in person. When: 6/21/2021 at 6:30 PM Where: Online via Zoom or S86 W24825 Stonehill Ct. Mukwonago, WI 53149 Join Zoom Meeting https://wawmsd-org.zoom.us/j/5101728071?pwd=bVROV1ltZUU5Mks1dWRmRk0vU1ZGQT09 Meeting ID: 510 172 8071 Passcode: dixon **If you have rabbits that need to...

Goat Agility Clinic – Counts As A Clinic

Quixotic Acres W289 S2990 County Rd DT, Waukesha, WI, United States

Attention Goat Exhibitors! Join us next week for a Goat Agility Clinic! **Open to all Youth Exhibitors** Date: July 6 Time: 6:30-7:30pm Location: Quixotic Acres W289 S2990 County Rd DT Waukesha, WI 53188 Questions? Contact Connie Crowe- ccgardenmom@gmail.com