WYLP Animal Health & Welfare Zoom – Counts as a Clinic


Animal Sciences Virtual Education Series Written by Bernadette O’Rourke A part of the Wisconsin Youth Livestock program This series is offered in connection with the University of Wisconsin Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and Division of Extension. The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP) is excited to offer these...

Competitive Exhibits meeting

Waukesha State Bank - Downtown 151 E. St. Paul Avenue, Waukesha, WI, United States

Board Meeting

Fair Office Conference Room 2417 Silvernail Road, Pewaukee, WI 53072

WYLP Precision Agriculture Zoom – Counts as a Clinic


Animal Sciences Virtual Education Series Written by Bernadette O’Rourke A part of the Wisconsin Youth Livestock program This series is offered in connection with the University of Wisconsin Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and Division of Extension. The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP) is excited to offer these...

Beef/Steer Weigh-In

Oakridge Farm S40W35961 County Road C, Dousman, WI, United States

Tags are available through the Fair Office for $4.00 each. TWO (2) photos of the Steers – 1st with a clear, visible tag in ear/with full headshot and 2nd with the FULL BODY are due to the Fair Office by April 30th. They can be dropped off, mailed, or emailed to wcf1842livestock@gmail.com. (see Department 202...

Rabbit Showmanship Virtual Session – Counts as a Clinic


This virtual program will help introduce youth to showmanship tips and tricks and help prepare them for what a rabbit show looks like and how it is run. This session will be held on Zoom on February 22, 2022 on 7pm. Register: http://wi.4honline.com Note: You DO NOT need to be in 4-H to take part...

Livestock/Market Animal Informational Meeting


Are you a NEW FAMILY or just NEWER to showing Livestock/Market Animals? Join us for an informative virtual zoom session on what goes into Waukesha County Fair market animals. We will touch on all 6 species areas along with key reminders to consider as you look ahead to this year and possibly get more involved...

Poultry Meeting – Counts as a Clinic

Waukesha State Bank - Downtown 151 E. St. Paul Avenue, Waukesha, WI, United States

Topics will include All About Feathers and Avian Influenza. Note: This clinic is concurrent with a 4-H project meeting but it is open to any Waukesha County Fair poultry exhibitor.